So, last Monday, along with all of you who are also customers, I received a truly annoying (pathetic?) mass email from Reed Hastings, CEO of Netflix. Mr. Hastings called it an "explanation," but I'm still waiting for an apology for this message that had the word "apology" tucked into the bottom, snugly wrapped in an overall tone of arrogance. My concern is not really about the price hikes. They vexed me because I hadn't been interested in streaming and was suddenly told it was part of...
So this network still pronounces its name sci-fi even though they felt a need to change the spelling to gibberish that reads "siffy." ECW remains on their lineup, along with a stupid 'reality' series that seems to be spawning spinoffs, so maybe they really shouldn't call themselves SciFi any more, but still... How can folks who've milked the Stargate franchise to the max and gleefully ridden the success wave of Moore and Eick's Battlestar Galactica not consider it their fiduciary and aestheti...
I hardly know where to begin laughing and/or raging about this unbelievably Dilbert-Is-Real interaction between the the Lego brand management people and the Spinal Tap guys who liked a fan's Lego stop-animation video enough to include it in their recent tour. The story is so damned kinky-- not so much the fun kind of kinky as the confusing folded-protein kind of kinky. Very hard to tell where the jokes begin and end...